@Flloydwith2Ells fundraising for Alder Hey Children's Hospital Charity (Liverpool), tap dancing instead of running 26 miles, every day in splendid self-imposed isolation. Please donate at https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/FlloydKennedy They take no fees, add no charges. All of your donation goes straight to the charity. Thank you so much xxx
@Flloydwith2Ells fundraising for Alder Hey Children's Hospital Charity (Liverpool) tap-dancing every day... Please donate at https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/FlloydKennedy They take no fees, add no charges. All of your donation goes straight to the charity. Thank you so much xxx
Flloyd's #TwoPointSixChallenge - to tap dance every day until she has raised £260 for Alder Hey Children's Hospital Charity. Donation website is https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/FlloydKennedy THANK YOU SO MUCH.
Flloyd's #TwoPointSixChallenge - to tap dance every day until she has raised £260 for Alder Hey Children's Hospital Charity. Donation website is https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/FlloydKennedy THANK YOU SO MUCH.
Flloyd is tap dancing (so-called!) every day to raise funds for Alder Hey Children's Hospital Charity as part of the #TwoPointSixChallenge #SaveOurUKCharities. Donation website: https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/FlloydKennedy. Thank you so very very much.
Day 8 of Flloyd (with 2 Ells)'s #TwoPointSixChallenge #SaveOurUKCharities fundraising (and keeping fit in isolation) for Alder Hey Children's Hospital Charity by tap dancing (so-called) for five minutes a day until I reach my target of £260. Donation website: https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/FlloydKennedy. Thank you so much. Please share. (apologies for the lipstick)
Flloyd (with 2 Ells), Fundraising for Alder Hey Children's Hospital (Liverpool) Charity - and keeping fit in isolation by attempting to tap dance for approximately 5 minutes a day. Donation website: https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/FlloydKennedy
Flloyd (with 2 Ells) Fundraising for Alder Hey Children's Hospital (Liverpool) Charity - and keeping fit in isolation by attempting to tap dance for 5 minutes a day. Donation website: https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/FlloydKennedy
Fundraising for Alder Hey Children's Hospital (Liverpool) Charity - and keeping fit in isolation by attempting to tap dance for 5 minutes a day. Donation website: https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/FlloydKennedy
Fundraising for Alder Hey Children's Hospital (Liverpool) Charity - and keeping fit in isolation by attempting to tap dance for 5 minutes a day. Donation website: https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/FlloydKennedy
Fundraising for Alder Hey Children's Hospital Charity, which supports the wonderful work of the Hospital. I'm tap-dancing every day to raise £260. The donation website is https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/flloydkennedy. Thank you so much. xxx
Day 2 of Flloyd (with 2 Ells) #TwoPointSixChallenge: to tap dance for 5 minutes a day to raise £260 for the Alder Hey Children's Hospital. Please donate whatever you can. VirginMoney FundRaiser https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/FlloydKennedy
I'm tap dancing for 5 minutes a day to raise money for the Alder Hey Children's Hospital. Please donate if you possibly can. https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/FlloydKennedy
Flloyd (with 2 Ells) and Teddy Edward demonstrate The Corona Couch Exercise, as instructed by The Crackup Sisters.
Dame June Bloom (aka Flloyd Kennedy) shares 2 of Shakespeare's Sonnets. No 23 "As an unperfect actor on the stage" - and why actors love this one, and No 65 "Since brass, nor stone, nor earth nor boundless sea" because now...
Fairy Bessie executes the Chair Exercise, as instructed by doyennes of daring do: The Crackup Sisters
Flloyd demonstrates a lovely deep breath that will give your lung support muscles a healthy workout
new song, Sometimes I Think, by Flloyd (with 2 Ells) Kennedy. Sing along, share the love. Write your own verses, and pop them in the comments below. Together, we could create a very thoughtful song indeed!
A song by Flloyd (with 2 Ells) Kennedy to sing while you do your exercises. Check out Coronavirus (Covid-19) at the National Health website. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/
Scenes from "Essence of Life", "Write up your street", "I'm Not Here", "The Baby Whisperer"
Flloyd performs the poem "Obsession", and sings "The Singing Beetle" at the Liver Bards open mic event, Ma Boyle's, Liverpool, 3 Dec 2019. Please subscribe if you'd like to hear some more of my poems and songs. Just click on my photo at the end of the video.
Flloyd (with 2 Ells) performs The Bottom Line at the Liverpool Fringe Takeaway, November 2019
A poem from the series “Grouchy Old Woman”, written and performed by Flloyd Kennedy - that’s Flloyd with two Ells. Performed at A Lovely Word, 7 November 2019, Everyman Theatre Cafe.