Shortlisted for an Independent Podcasting Award 2024
Aug. 18, 2023

Tricky Question...

Tricky Question...

Helen's granddaughter Susie is impatient for some action on cleaning up the planet, but Helen is still reluctant to use her 'super' powers.  Meanwhile, the Trickster Gods of the world are holding a gathering, which could be a bit dodgy. With Roy Carruthers as Loki, Tayo Aluko as Anansi and Christopher McDougall  as Hermes. Also featuring a cameo appearance from Chloe the cat.

If you'd like to hear the rest of the season in advance of the weekly releases, sign up to be a Patron at with either a small donation, or a regular subscription.  I'm going to need some major crowdfunding support to keep going beyond this season. Thanks for listening. Stay safe.

"Cat, Screaming, A.wav" by InspectorJ ( of

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  • @AmIOldYet2
  • The music featured in Seasons 6, 7 and 8 is from "In The Labyrinth" by John T LaBarbera, available on Bandcamp.
  • Thanks for listening. Stay safe.




SUSIE:                                    But Gran, isn't there anything you can do to hurry them along?

HELEN:                                  Oh Susie, darling. Really no. I can't huff and puff them to talk sense to each other.

SUSIE:                                    No, I didn't mean that!  I meant, maybe you could blow up some sort of mini catastrophe to focus their minds.  Don't they all jump to attention when there's an emergency?

HELEN:                                  Probably. But don't you think there are enough catastrophes without me manufacturing even more?

SUSIE:                                    I suppose so. But Gran...

HELEN:                                  Darling, I feel your impatience from afar, believe me, I do. But this is something that has to be done properly. 

SUSIE:                                    But what if they don't - or won't - come up with any actual workable suggestions? I mean, they are only politicians.

HELEN:                                  So cynical, for one so young.

SUSIE:                                    So patronising, for one so old!

HELEN:                                  [LAUGHS] Spot on! So hard to avoid? Wouldn't you agree?

SUSIE:                                    I guess so.

HELEN:                                  Oh Susie, I am so sorry you are having to live through this. And I do wish I could make it all go away with one puff of my breath. But it doesn't work like that. Remember, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Or something like that. You know, I do remember being your age, and thinking all I had to do was raise beautiful intelligent caring human beings and they would be far more sensible than our generation was, and all would be right with the world. 

SUSIE:                                    Really?  Is that what you thought Mum would be?

HELEN:                                  Oh yes.  I thought she would grow up to be a super hero herself, and she would know how to fix everything. 

SUSIE:                                    And she sort of is...

HELEN:                                  I know. But she still doesn't know it. And so are you. 


ANANSI:                                [humming a Nigerian folk tune]... How long do you think we should wait? … Loki!

LOKI:                                     What?  Did you say something?

ANANSI:                                I said how long do you think we should wait?  

LOKI:                                     I dunno.

ANANSI:                                Oh.  [SIGH]. [HUMMING AGAIN]

LOKI:                                     What?

ANANSI:                               What!!!

LOKI:                                     Did you say something?

ANANSI:                                No. 

LOKI:                                     I definitely heard you say something. 

ANANSI:                                No, I assure you. I did not speak. 

LOKI:                                     Hmph!

ANANSI:                                What does that mean?

LOKI:                                     What does what mean?

ANANSI:                                That 'hmph'! What is that about? You don't believe me, when I say I didn't not speak? You think I am lying?

LOKI:                                     No!  Not at all. No, my friend, Anansi.  I would never accuse you of lying!  How could you think such a thing of me?

ANANSI:                                How could I not?  You are the very epitome of deception, Loki. 

LOKI:                                     Oh and I suppose you are the very personification of truth and honesty?

ANANSI:                                It's all relative. Compared to you, yes. I am. 

LOKI:                                     You just mean, you think you can get away with being deceptive better than I can.

ANANSI:                                It would not surprise me.

LOKI:                                     Well, we'll see about that. 

ANANSI:                                I'm sure we shall.  In the meantime, when is your friend Hades going to be here?  We've been waiting for half an hour already. I do not like to have my time wasted.

LOKI:                                     Why not?  Don't you have plenty of it left over? What else are you going to do with your spare time these days, but waste it, waiting for these ridiculous mortals to wipe themselves off the planet.

ANANSI:                                That is a fair point, my friend.  Although isn't this woman, Helen what's-her-name, isn't she supposed to be cleaning up the waste products, keeping the wind patterns under control?

LOKI:                                     Wherever did you hear that?  I'm pretty sure that's a vast exaggeration of her powers.

ANANSI:                                Possibly. But if she can do the one, why not the other?

LOKI:                                     Oh!  Oh yes. Why is she not doing that?  Interesting, don't you think?  Makes me think the whole thing is all a big myth.  No such thing at all. It's just not believable.

ANANSI:                                Hades seems to believe it.  Isn't that why he asked for our help?  

LOKI:                                     So he says.  

ANANSI:                                I'm not sure that I want to go along with his suggestion, 

LOKI:                                     Which one?

ANANSI:                                That we cooperate with the energy companies to shut down this working party. You know it will only speed up the process of destruction.

LOKI:                                     Why not?  Should be entertaining. Aren't you bored enough, waiting for it to happen?

ANANSI:                                Not bored. Tired. It is a most enervating process.  Waiting for it all to go away, and then start all over again.

LOKI:                                     You really think that's what will happen?  After the mortals have all died out, you think they'll evolve again? [RUMBLING SOUND IN THE BACKGROUND]

ANANSI:                                Something will replace them. That's for sure. 

LOKI:                                     You're right there.  [PAUSE, WHILE THEY THINK ABOUT THIS]

Might be something better?

ANANSI:                                Might be...  Might be not...  Might be--

LOKI:                                     What's that noise?  Is that you?

ANANSI:                                No!  What is your problem?  Have you got ringing in your ears?  What are you talking about?

LOKI:                                     That rumbling noise!  Can't you hear it, it's like a--

ANANSI:                                Cat.  It's like a cat, purring.  Like that cat. See?  The one by the window, the cat that's purring?  Is that what you mean?

LOKI:                                     I - I guess so.  I didn't see it before.  Was it there when we came in?

ANANSI:                                I have no idea.  I didn't notice it. 

LOKI:                                     Oh.  Well...  Alright then. What were you saying?

ANANSI:                                I was saying, these energy companies that want our help, apparently, to interfere with the English woman's plan to clean up the planet and reverse the climate change process. I don't get it!  Why would they want us to do that?

LOKI:                                     Because they are greedy, and hence stupid. They don't want to lose their profits, and they are so focussed on that, that they cannot see how much they will also lose in the long term. Because they are mortals, and hence stupid. 

ANANSI:                                I don't think that follows.

LOKI:                                     What?

ANANSI:                                That all mortals are stupid. Just because some of them are stupidly short-sighted, doesn't mean they all are.

LOKI:                                     No?  

ANANSI:                                No. It seems to be just the greedy ones. The ones who control most of the world's assets for themselves, and greed always blinds you to the effect you are having.

LOKI:                                     Well you would know about that, eh?  Didn't you collect all those wonderful things for yourself, including all the stories, and all the wisdom, and you weren't going to share it willingly, were you?

ANANSI:                                Indeed, you are correct.  And didn't you--

LOKI:                                     Oh yes, yes, of course, I did some pretty stupid things too, you don't have to rake it all up. The thing is, what are we doing here?  Where is Hades? What are we going to say to him? If he ever bothers to turn up--


HERMES:                               Oh I wouldn't worry about that!

ANANSI AND LOKI:            Wha-- Hey!!! 

LOKI:                                     How did you--

ANANSI::                               get in here?

HERMES:                               How did you not notice?

LOKI:                                     [BLUSTERING] Well I .... I just...

ANANSI::                               [BUMBLING] I thought I saw something...

HERMES:                               Well, don't worry about it, chaps.  We're all here now, so let's get on with it.

LOKI:                                     What do you mean, we're all here?  Where is Hades?  Where is this British government person we are supposed to be meeting up with?

HERMES:                               Hades has handed over full responsibility to me. The government minister couldn’t refuse the offer of a short holiday on a long beach. We'll be meeting up with him soon enough, don't worry. In the meantime, I think we can all agree that the minister’s proposal to ruin Helen's plan is deeply flawed?

LOKI:                                     Of course!

ANANSI:                                Absolutely!

HERMES:                               Then we need to get our act together.  Do you agree?

LOKI:                                     I guess so.

ANANSI:                                Of course. Let's do that. That was most impressive, your entrance just then.

HERMES:                               You think so?  Thank you.  I've been practising. Usually I use the angry dog, but this time, I thought an adorable purring cat would do the trick.

LOKI:                                     Fooled me.  [BREATH OF THE GODS SOUND EFFECT]


SUSIE:                                    So you really believe we all have some kind of power, some inner source of power that could be used to make the world a better place?

HELEN:                                  Oh, Lordy, Susie. Of course we do.  It's called decency.  

SUSIE:                                    Not very exciting though, is it?  They'd never make a Marvel Movie, would they? With Captain Decency going around just being nice, and thoughtful, 

HELEN:                                  And courteous. And honest.  No.

SUSIE:                                    Well, they could, but they would make it a comedy. And he

HELEN:                                  Or she

SUSIE:                                    or he AND she would be always getting things wrong and making things worse. 

HELEN:                                  Yes, because for anything to be entertaining, there have to be high stakes. So they would have to put in charge of something terribly dangerous, that threatened life on earth as we know it, and then--

SUSIE:                                    And then just see how powerful their kindness and decency would be, against the rude, mean and evil bullies who want to keep building the dangerous thing.

HELEN:                                  Actually.  I'd watch that...

SUSIE:                                    Hmmm.  Me too. 

HELEN:                                  [LAUGHS]

Roy J Carruthers (Dmitri, Loki, Eric Frogsholme, Harry, Kyrane, Mike) Profile Photo

Roy J Carruthers (Dmitri, Loki, Eric Frogsholme, Harry, Kyrane, Mike)


Born and raised in Liverpool, England, Roy experienced life in a variety of jobs, before he came to acting after graduating from University as a mature student at the age of thirty-eight. Previous theatre credits include: the MI5 agent in ‘By The Waters of Liverpool’ (Empire Theatre, Liverpool), as panto villains Abanazar (Dubai Media City), the Sheriff of Nottingham and King Rat (Gracie Fields Theatre, Rochdale), Tony De Vito in ‘Lennon’s Banjo’ (Epstein Theatre), Victor Franz in Arthur Miller’s ‘The Price’ (Liverpool Unity Theatre), Frank in ‘Ladies Night’, Slater in ‘Funny Money’ and Santa in ‘Night Collar’ (Royal Court Theatre, Liverpool), The Fourth Wall (Old Red Lion, Islington) and Mafioso (Hill Street Theatre, Edinburgh).

On TV he appeared in ‘Longford’ (Granada), ‘Good Cop’ (BBC TV) and as Frank in the Feature Film Sparkle (Magic Light Pictures).

Roy supplied over 50 character voices for 10 unabridged audio books of the Redwall series, by best-selling Liverpool author, Brian Jacques and can often be heard on BBC Radio 4; credits include ‘Cobwebs’ and ‘Brief Lives’, ‘The Sad Story of Jim Thorpe’, ‘William Quilliam: The Sheikh of Liverpool’ and ‘The Strange Case of Oliver Cromwell's Head’ plus two appearances on the Radio 4 show Pick of The Week.

Tayo Aluko (Deji, barman, Anansi, Henry, Tunde) Profile Photo

Tayo Aluko (Deji, barman, Anansi, Henry, Tunde)


Tayo Aluko is a playwright, a stage and TV actor, and a singer born in Nigeria, and living in Liverpool. His one-man play about Paul Robeson, titled CALL MR ROBESON, has taken him as far afield as the North West Territories of Canada and Australia and New Zealand, and to New York’s Carnegie Hall. A second play, JUST AN ORDINARY LAWYER, deals with Black liberation struggles worldwide, and has also been performed on three continents. He has initiated an international project titled MAPPING “GREATNESS,” in which people of the Global Majority worldwide film themselves performing his poem GREATNESS IN A TIME OF COVID in many languages, as a response to Imperialism and the global pandemic. His audio play PAUL ROBESON’S LOVE SONG is available online. He continues to write drama which demonstrates how Black History is everybody’s history, every day of every year, and is a history of resistance, resilience and triumph.

Christopher McDougall (René, Dr Calumn Shrodinger, Piotr, Charlie, Hermes) Profile Photo

Christopher McDougall (René, Dr Calumn Shrodinger, Piotr, Charlie, Hermes)

Christopher McDougall

Christopher graduated from East 15 Acting School in 2018 and has been working in
various sectors of the industry since. He has much previous experience as an actor, as
well as a singer, writer and musical director.
Recent acting credits include Widow Twankey in Aladdin (Beverley Artistes); The
Narrator in Bonny and Read (Novanda Productions, Brighton Fringe/UK Tour); Aladdin
in Aladdin, Dugdale Centre, Enfield; Davie McD/Sam/Tobias Grenfell in Tell Me A Story,
produced by Kibo Productions for Zoom; Squire Bogey (and others) in Jack and the
Beanstalk, with M&M Theatrical Productions; God in It’s Aboot Adam, at last year’s
Edinburgh Fringe; Various characters in The Sherlock Holmes Experience, at Madame
Tussaud’s, London; and Fairy G/Sugar Plum in Bad Cinderella, at the Cockpit Theatre, in
December 2018.
In April 2021, alongside fellow producer Mark Hunter, he co-wrote, co-directed and
was Musical Director on Robin Hood: A Virtual Pantomime, which took place on Zoom,
and was very well received – they currently looking to revive it this year.
Christopher has also written a new musical – Star Streaker: The Musical – which he
hopes to revive in the not so distant future.
Find out more about what Christopher is doing at