Shortlisted for an Independent Podcasting Award 2024
Am I Old Yet?


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Truly a podcast for those who want to learn how to age (dis)gracefully

At last: a drama-comedy for the possibly old
At last: a drama-comedy for the possibly old Sep 4, 2024 I love this!

Old People Do Listen to Podcasts!
Loved the chat in the doctors surgery. Witty and wonderful. It made me laugh. We are an eccentric bunch! 🤓💕

A Treat to Listen to
The spirit Flloyd puts into each of her characters is fun to listen to, and before you know it you're waiting for more!

We all love it!
Andrew's mum says "It's an absolute delight!" That's Andrew Dunning, host of That Mental Ginger Show (YouTube)

Totally Talented+
Love the variety. Have dipped into the songs recently and you remind me so much of Judy Collins who I adore and had the pleasure of seeing live. Hope I can see you perform one day. Thank you for sharing your talent, energy and wisdom

Loved the chat
Your chat in lieu of podcast was like sitting in the lounge room over a cup of tea. Gorgeous.

Just listened to episode 9 season 7… a delicious romp with important ideas. Thanks Flloyd Kennedy. Will share!

Editing Queen
Had a listen. Really great quality of audio, love the effects... felt transported. Skilful blending in the edit. Astonishing that all those voices are yours apart from the others! and I really liked how you spoke to the audience, warm and welcoming.

Deep listening pleasure with your beverage of choice at home.
It is a deep pleasure to sit calmly with your favourite beverage at home and go on the journey the wit, words...and bit of everyday wisdom to keep us on our toes.

🎙️Flloyd Kennedy, an Australian-born, Liverpool based poet, performer, voice and acting coach in her late 70s, has created the comic-audio-drama Am I Old Yet?, a series of self-contained vignettes in which a character named Helen, who is also in her late 70s, adjusts to the reality of ageing with dignity, honesty and joy. Helen engages in conversation with members of her family and friends in a way that makes you feel along for the ride, invited to hear a perspective that is often overlooked in podcasting. What do I keep saying about poets being the best podcasters, you guys? These are beautiful pieces that deal with deep and intimate thoughts we’ll all be confronting sooner or later.

A lovely listen
Straight and direct about the 'joys' of getting older. A really enjoyable listen.

Bright Side
“I love how you take the bright side to being an older woman, but to be honest, I’d say your about 32 inside! I just remembered that little cooking song: 🎶🎵I’m so hungry today is the food far away?are you ready to do cooking?🎶 I loved it so much!” Cherrycloud - Apple Podcasts Australia

Wow! I thought it was a unique podcast just from the premise, but four episodes into the series, I am finding it a rather surprisingly… moving experience! With a balanced mix of move-you-to-tears drama and comic relief, Flloyd crafts a relatable tale that can touch… ‘You’, no matter where you come from, what you do and, most importantly, how old you are! Episode #1 (which is the second one from the bottom on Spotify, at least) is my favourite so far! I subscribed, hit the bell icon and am yearning for more! Keep ’em a-comin’!

Embracing The Uniqueness
Am I Old Yet is charming, funny and very enjoyable. Flloyd (with two L's) shows how much valuable experience she has to offer vin terms of performance, writing etc and it's a truly unique and wonderful podcast/theatrical experience. Keep it up ☺️🙏🌎❤️

Storytelling done right
I love listening to Flloyd. I'd be happy listening to her read out the ingredients of a cereal box. What a joy, then, that her piercing observations and gentle musings tell a story I want to hear as well.

Piece of Genius
I have just found this piece of genius. What a talented performer Flloyd is. Some versatile acting provides us with four different and equally believable characters and the piece is written with truth and pathos. Beautiful editing too, I recommend it. And Flloyd, old? Never!"

Welcome Entertainment
***** I have listened to four of Flloyd's podcasts on being a woman of a 'certain age'. It can be said that the older generation have been voiced out by the younger in the past. Now it is their turn! I am not as yet, part of the older generation. I have read that everyone should have friends of all ages—not just around their own. For a number of years I've had older friends and they are amongst the most interesting people I've met. They have an infinite amount of stories to tell. Flloyd Kennedy seems to be no exception to this story rule—she voices most of the characters in her mini play-podcasts, set in various scenarios. She outlines relationships with her daughter and other friends and family around her. The tales are enjoyable, have a moral, and especially in this time when listening to e-stories can be easier than reading a book; they provide welcome entertainment.

Delightful Storytelling
"This is delightful storytelling from Flloyd Kennedy. Gentle but deceptively sharp; underestimate the characters populating this podcast at your own peril. The writing, performance and music are all a joy."

This is delightful storytelling from Flloyd Kennedy. Gentle but deceptively sharp, underestimate the characters populating this podcast at your own peril. The writing, performance and music are all a joy.

Just what is old?
You can’t help but love the lead character Helen as she tries to dodge the, “ Are you alrights,” from her family and she searches for the true meaning of the word “Old” Flloyd is a master of timing and voices. Really enjoyable.

Clever tales in a unique woman’s voice
Flloyd’s mini-dramas are refreshing, witty and cleanly done. Acerbic yet sweet, like a fresh lemonade.

Very interesting
Nice stories and nice delivery. Look forward to more.