Jan. 25, 2024

Old People Do Listen to Podcasts!

Old People Do Listen to Podcasts!

Well, Helen certainly does.  Here she is, taking no prisoners when the dental receptionist seems to question her ability to keep up with modern technology.  The podcast Helen is following "Somewhere On Earth Podcast" is an actual podcast (just like this one) only it focuses on developments in modern technology, and how they affect communities literally all over the world. And here is the link to find it. https://somewhereonearth.buzzsprout.com/.  I love it, so of course Helen does too!
The music is from "In the Labyrinth", composed and performed by John T LaBarbera.

Season 9 of "Am I Old Yet" has now been written, and recording is due to start next week.  It will take at least a couple of  weeks to get the first episodes designed and edited, but believe me, it won't be long now!  

Meantime, if you would like to support me in my efforts to create a truly professional and entertaining podcast, with fully paid professional voice actors, you can donate, or subscribe at https://patreon.com/amIoldyet.

Support the show
  • You can leave a comment or review at www.amIoldyet.com/reviews, and donate towards our production costs at amIoldyet.com/support.
  • @AmIOldYet2
  • The music featured in Seasons 6, 7 and 8 is from "In The Labyrinth" by John T LaBarbera, available on Bandcamp.
  • https://www.buzzsprout.com/?referrer_id=1708289
  • Thanks for listening. Stay safe.


MUSIC: "In the Labyrinth" composed and performed by John T LaBarbera

CATRIONA: Can I help you?  

HELEN: Hi Catriona

CATRIONA: Oh, hello Mrs Docherty

HELEN: I’m a bit early for my checkup.

CATRIONA: Oh that’s alright. But Dr Sing is running late today. We had a couple of emergencies.  Do you mind waiting?  

HELEN: Not at all. I’m not in a hurry. And I’ve got a podcast all lined up on my phone to listen to?

CATRIONA: A podcast!  Do you listen to podcasts?

HELEN: I certainly do. Don’t you?

CATRIONA: Oh yes, I love them.  But I didn’t think people like you would be listening to them.

HELEN: Is that so?  May I ask why not?

CATRIONA: Excuse me?

HELEN: I said, may I ask why not?  Why wouldn’t I, or people like me, be listening to podcasts?  Aren’t they for everyone?

CATRIONA: Oh yes!  I just meant…

HELEN: What?  Come on, out with it.  You didn’t think older people like me would be ‘up with the latest’ things like podcasts, did you?

CATRIONA: We-el, I - er - I just thought - to be honest, Mrs Docherty. I didnae think, at all.  It just slipped out.  I’m so sorry.  Of course you could be listening to podcasts. At any age.   What is it this time?  What are you following?  Would I like it?

HELEN: Possibly.  Are you interested in the way modern technology is affecting us, all over the world?

CATRIONA: Gosh!  That sounds a bit grand, a bit - maybe too specialist for me.

HELEN: What sort of podcasts do you listen to, then?

CATRIONA: I like it when the comedians get together, and they make up stuff. 

HELEN: Well, plenty of those to keep you entertained. 

CATRIONA: Aye. But you know, I am interested in the technology, just, you know, in a very hmmm I don’t really understand it, kind of way. I’d love to learn more about it, but it’s so, I don’t know, technical?  More for cleverer people than me.

HELEN: Some of it, yes, I’d agree. But I’ll tell you why I like this one, it’s because they pick up on something that’s emerging, or developing, whatever you like to call it, and they interview proper experts who can explain it, they can break it down, within reason, and talk about whether it’s having a positive affect on various communities, or maybe if they can see problems that we need to be aware of.  I just like to stay informed.

CATRIONA: What’s it called?

HELEN: Somewhere on Earth Podcast. And that’s what it does, it looks at what’s going on, in the techie related stuff, somewhere on earth. 

CATRIONA: Such as?

HELEN: Could be Kenya, or Brazil, or Mongolia. Or middle England. Anywhere. You should try it.  I don’t think you’d find it too hard to understand. 

CATRIONA: Wasn’t there a programme on the BBC that used to do that?  Gary someone. Gareth?

HELEN: Gareth Mitchell. Yes!  Same team, the BBC went on a money saving rampage and closed it down, so they started up independently.  So you listened to Digital Planet?

CATRIONA: My brother did.  And I would just happen to overhear sometimes. Didn’t dare get any closer or he would tease me.

HELEN: Hmmm.  Brothers, eh?  They need a dose of their own medicine, sometimes.  

CATRIONA: Tell me about it! 


Excuse me.  Yes?  Yes, she’s here, Dr Sing.  Ok, I’ll send her up.  Mrs Docherty?  He’s ready for you now.

HELEN: Thank you.  See you later!  Somewhere on Earth, maybe?