Kind Like Sharon (Ep 1)

A mini radio soap opera in 10 minute episodes, written, performed and produced by Flloyd Kennedy.
Helen is in her 70s, happily living on her own, except when her family decide to invade her space “to look after her”, or because they want her to fix them.
Episode 1: Helen is having enough trouble coping with her ageing body and mind, let alone her bossy daughter who is staying with her in the latest lockdown, when a disturbing phone call creates a challenge and leads to a new lease of life on her own terms.
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Flloyd Kennedy
Author, Actor
Flloyd Kennedy (aka Fairy Bessie), Australian-born actress, performance poet, singer-songwriter, director and voice/speech/accent coach, took part in the British folk revival in the late 60s, performed street theatre, cabaret and fringe theatre in Scotland throughout the 1980s and 90s, returned to Australia where she undertook research into the performing voice (specifically Shakespeare) for her doctorate. She has performed, directed, and taught voice and acting skills at colleges and universities in the UK, US and Australia. Now resident in Liverpool, UK, Flloyd tours her one-person versa plays with music around the world, performs her songs and poems at open mics in and around Liverpool. She also coaches student and professional actors, private individuals and community and corporate groups through her private studio Being in Voice. She is artistic director of Thunder’s Mouth Theatre (theatre of poetry, passion and philosophy), a Certified Teacher of Knight-Thompson Speechwork and is an Associate Artist with ISAAC (International School for Acting And Clown), She has now published two collections of poetry, songs and essays, Sunsets & Kites and Home is Where I Hang My Hat. Her songs are available on Bandcamp, as well as all major online streaming services.