Shortlisted for an Independent Podcasting Award 2024
Aug. 16, 2024

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Interruption to Service

Special Announcement: Please excuse this break in transmission - Episode 6 was going to take us to Greece, where Helen is enjoying the scenery and the sunshine. But in view of the terrible tragedy of the wildfires presently affecting large parts of Greece, including Athens itself, I'd decided to postpone that episode till next week. In the meantime, here is news regarding the development of the new podcast, "Baked Off!" which I hope to be able to bring to you later this year.

Voices: Ed Donnelly, John Warner, Andrew Durning, Matthew Field, Wendy Lap, Bernadette Pryde, Andrea Richardson, Tayo Aluko, Roy R Carruthers and Flloyd Kennedy.


Australian Magpies - JustinJetZorbas -

Footsteps and window opening - Flloyd Kennedy

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FLLOYD:       Hello? Hello? Hello. Let me just adjust my microphone here. How's that? Yeah, hi, It's. It's me, Flloyd Kennedy. Now, last week we left Janey and Susie trying to figure out what on earth had happened to Helen, and discovering that she's gone to Greece. And I had planned that this week's episode would take you there with her. But something has come up, namely terrible wildfires in Greece. And I just didn't think it was appropriate for Helen to be heading over there and having a lovely time, while there were pretty disastrous things going on all around her. So I'm sending my love to the entire population of Greece and we'll continue with Helen's adventures next week. In the meantime, I thought I'd take the opportunity to remind you of the forthcoming brand new podcast, which I had this fantasy that I was going to get it up in April. But here we are in August, and it's, it's not going to happen for a few months yet, but we are working on it. We've set a date to have a read through of of the first episode in September. So that's movement for you. I'm going to give you the outline of what the podcast is about and who the major characters are. And, and by the way, i can also tell you some of the actors are going to be involved. Sarah Golding and Chris McDougall. You'll know Chris from who plays Charlie and Rene and loads of other characters in old yet and Sarah appeared as Mrs. Eric— Darlene, as Mrs. Darlene Frogshome and, and Cyllene as well, and some other child, other characters as well. And we've also got Wendy Lap, who plays Hera in "Am I Old Yet?" And oh, you'll find out as time goes by.

The new fiction comedy is called "Baked Off!", obviously a nod in the direction of the cookery competition, the Great British Bake Off. But no, it's not a competition and it's not about baking. There is baking involved, specifically sour dough bread, but actually it's about a disparate group of people who happen to meet up. In an online cookery course that is focusing on how to make sourdough bread. There are three central characters Margo Parensky, a retired Michelin starred chef living in Brisbane in Australia. Julianna Obe, a middle aged mother and wife who also works part time from her home in Liverpool, England. And Duncan McGill, a 30 year old games developer living in Edinburgh, Scotland. We get to know them throughout the series as they experience the challenges of life, health, family work, coming together each week to share how they got on with their baking challenge. There are other people on the court, and we also get to dip into some of their lives through their interactions with each other on the regular Zoom calls. Rosemary is an Irish lassie living in London. Freddie is a retired post in Cumbria. Caroline, who hosts the course. Lives in Hampshire with her Australian husband Pierre, and all the other characters and relatives who interact with our central characters. Lots of different accents going on there. I hope you like them because we're having fun with them. I can't give you a plot outline because there are so many plots weaving their way through the series. Th are questions. Will Margo's health hold out till the end of the course? Will Caroline ever admit that she really can't cook? Will Juliana find fulfilment beyond supporting her family? Will Duncan chase his dream? And so much more. And now just for you, we've put together a rough cut, a draft, if you like, of the first couple of scenes in the first episode of Bake Off, just to give you a taste of it


MANY VOICES SPEAKING AT ONCE:   Celebrated Australian Chef! Margot Parensky is to join the Great British Menu team as a guest judge...

and in other news, an exciting new restaurant is to open in Melbourne, Australia, with double Michelin Starred chef Margot Parensky

Margot Parensky, the popular Masterchef judge, will lead the team of chefs preparing the banquet for the Duke and Duchess's visit. 

VOX POP [ANY ACCENT] She trained in France, you know.

Isn't she the one who told Gordon Ramsey where to get off?

Yes she threw him out of the kitchen.

famous Melbourne restaurant

retiring? why? How old is she anyway?

Over here Margot!  Give a smile

Margot who?  Margot who?


MARGOT:                             O000oh. Oh for Pete's sake! Why are you ringing? 


MARGOT:                             Stop! Why won't you stop you stupid thing!  Where's the damned button? Stop! Stop now!!! Ah.




MARGOT:                             Bring back proper alarm clocks, that's what I say. Stupid phone.  You're a phone! For talking to people. I want my alarm clock back. [SIGH] Brrrr!!! Right. Settle down, you stilly old woman. Why did I set the stupid alarm?




MARGOT:                             [BREATHING OUT] Hello birdies.  Thank you for the music. 


EDIE:                                      Margot!  Good morning!

MARGOT:                             Oh, hi Edie! What are you doing up at this time of the day?  I thought you had a big night last night?  No? With the book club?


FLLOYD:                               And there we have a little taste just to hopefully whet your appetite. The thing is, if if you're enjoying listening to my old yet, I think you'll like this one too. It's going to be called baked off. Did I say that again? And the voices you heard in that collage. What do you collage? Melons, whatever you like to call it. Let me see if I can remember them all. There was John Warner, Wendy Lapp, Andrea Richardson, Roy Carruthers. Matthew Field, Ed Donnelly. Tayo Aluko.

I'm sure I've missed somebody. And the last voice that you heard in that little scene intro was Bernadette Pryde, who's a new member to the ensemble. Bernadette is based in Brisbane, in Australia. She's an actress, director, voice coach, lots of lovely things. You got to enjoy her as Edie, Margo's neighbour. Edie. Okay, that's it for now, guys. Back to normal Service will be resume next week. Have a lovely week. Take care. Stay safe