Shortlisted for an Independent Podcasting Award 2024
Am I Old Yet?

Lushika Preethrajh (Preshani, Mrs Patel)

Lushika Preethrajh (Preshani, Mrs Patel) Profile Photo

voice actor / Preshani, Mrs Patel

Lushika Preethrajh is a queer South African voice actor with South Asian ancestry. They are based in France and speak English (native) and French (second language). Having been a theater kid at school, their passion for acting has pivoted to audio dramas and narration.

March 21, 2025

Who's the Radical Here?

Helen attended the 'gathering' Susie invited her to, where she met up with the mother of Kiara, the charismatic climate change evangelist. They've taken Susie off to the nearest cafe to enjoy something to drink and a heart to...
March 7, 2025

Cult-ivating Diligence

Thunder’s Mouth Theatre presents: yet another mini adventure in the life of our aged heroine Helen. Her granddaughter Susie phones up to apologise for standing her up last week, and after a chat with daughter Janey, Helen dec...