Season 6 kicks off with a brand new look, new musical theme, and an amazing adventure for Helen and the crew. This is a screwball comedy serial, in which there are super powers and superior beings handing them out, possibly f...
Helen's new friends, a couple of Ancient Greek Gods, are at least attempting to be helpful. Hermes in the form of a dog is staying with Helen in her London flat. Helen's neighbour Jennifer offers help out, and Susie, Helen's...
Helen is alone again, as the dog Hermes has gone off to Australia to visit her granddaughter Susie, and to enlist the stray dogs there to join in the litter cleaning campaign. She's enjoying a quiet early morning moment on he...
At last, the big day has arrived, and Helen in a bit of a flap, getting ready to attend the 2023 UK Philanthropist of the Year Awards ceremony. She's wearing the fabulous one-off designer ball gown provided by the goddess Art...
Remember how Helen discovered in Season 6 that she could blow litter up into the outer atmosphere, with a single puff of her magic breath? Well, apparently the Institude for Digitised Research in Atlanta, Georgia, is still w...
Season 10 kicks off with lots of new beginnings. I'm so happy to be part of the Fable & Folly network, such an honour to be in the company of all the best audio fiction on the airwaves. Here in Am I Old Yet?'s world, it's Hel...
Someone new has take up residence on the pavement near the bus stop. Mike might be homeless, but he's got a ukulele, so Helen challenges him to join her in a sing song. This Episode's guest is Roy J Carruthers (who also plays...