Shortlisted for an Independent Podcasting Award 2024
April 26, 2024

About the New Podcast

About the New Podcast

So new, that I haven't finished writing it yet. But I'm excited enough to want to share with you something about it. Once I've finished writing, there will be a full cast readthrough, then recording and all the production work begins. But in the meantime, there will be the odd glimpse into whatever Helen is getting up to, in preparation for Season 10.  If you have clicked on 'subscribe' or 'follow' in your podcasting app, you'll be notified whenever there's something new to listen to. And if you invite just one other person to listen to "Am I Old Yet? " - well, it would help to keep it going. 
Thanks for listening.  Stay safe.

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  • AIR New Voices Amplify Spotify Playlist featuring a ‘Best of’ collection from the 16 podcast fellows, of whom I am one!
  • Transcripts are available at the dedicated podcast website if your podcast app doesn't provide them.
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  • The music featured in Seasons 6, to 9 is from "In The Labyrinth" by John T LaBarbera, available on Spotify
  • Thanks for listening. Stay safe.

Thunders Mouth Theatre presents: something different for your podcasting ears.  Last week at the end of Season 9. I promised you a brand new podcast. Well, it'll be a few weeks before it's ready to be published. But I thought I'd tell you a little bit about it just to whet your appetite. But before I do, when those episodes do start to drop, it will be in an entirely new feed all of its own. I'll let you know how to find it when the moment is right. In the meantime, this feed or channel is still wholy and utterly "Am I odd yet?" And there will be bonus episodes to keep you going. Season 10 will be coming before you know it. If you haven't already done so, do click on 'follow' or 'subscribe' in your favourite podcasting app and you'll be notified there as well. The new fiction comedy is called "Baked Off," obviously a nod in the direction of the cookery competition."The Great British Bake Off" but no it's not a competition and it's not about baking. There is baking involved, specifically sourdough bread, but actually, it's about a disparate group of people who happen to meet up in an online cookery course that is focusing on how to make sourdough bread. There are three central characters, Margot Paretsky, a retired Michelin starred chef living in Brisbane in Australia. Julianna Obe, a middle aged mother and wife, who also works part time from her home in Liverpool, England and Duncan McGill, a 30 year old games developer living in Edinburgh, Scotland. We get to know them throughout the series, as they experience the challenges of life, health, family, work, and coming together each week to share how they got on with their baking challenge. There are other people on the course and we also get to dip into some of their lives through their interactions with each other on the regular zoom calls. Rosemary is an Irish lassie living in London. Freddy is a retired postie in Cumbria, Caroline who hosts the course lives in Hampshire with her Australian husband, Pierre. And all the other characters and relatives who interact with our central characters. Lots of different accents going on there. I hope you like them because we're having fun with them. I can't give you a plot outline because there are so many plots weaving their way through the series. There are questions. Will Margot's health hold out till the end of the course? Will Caroline ever admit that she really can't cook? Will Julianna find fulfilment beyond supporting her family? and will Duncan chase his dream and so much more. So now I'm off to Woolton on the outskirts of Liverpool to dog sit for a few days taking the laptop with me to work on writing up the remaining episodes. Then it's just a case—just she says— of getting all the actors together for a read through online before knuckling down to record them. I'll pop in here every now and then to keep you informed. And yes, the cast are spread right across the United Kingdom and Australia. A lot of fun to be had. Thanks for listening. Stay safe

New to the podcast?

Begin at the very beginning, with Episode 1 "Kind Like Sharon". Or pick it up at Season 6, which is the beginning of Helen's life as a Super Hero!