Flloyd Kennedy is an Australian-born actress, director, writer, singer-songwriter, poet and artistic director of Thunder's Mouth Theatre (Poetry, Passion and Philosophy). She has spent over half her life in the UK, and now lives in Liverpool, Merseyside where she performs regularly at Open Mic events and picks up the occasional 'featured artist' gig playing a dear old granny in TVCs. 

Flloyd began writing "Am I Old Yet?" early in 2021 for her own amusement, sharing the short sketches on social media, but decided to set it up as a podcast and a Thunder's Mouth project when it became clear that people wanted to hear more. She writes each weekly episode and performs many of the characters encountered by the central character, Helen Docherty  (Helen, Janey, Susie, Marian, Sharon, Joey, Jennifer-next-door, Nana Madeleine, Nanny Louise, Elegant Lady — so far...).  Having lived and worked in Australia and the USA, as well as Scotland and England, Flloyd has many acting friends to call upon to take part in the occasional episode.

The podcast is recorded in Flloyd's tiny sitting room, using Zoom to record external cast members. She edits each episode using Audacity and Hindenburg PRO, with sound effects created by herself, or downloaded from Freesound.org. The theme music for season one was provided by the composer and voice coach Joan Melton. For season two Flloyd engaged the composer, arranger and performer Mark Bunyan to arrange one of her own songs. Seasons 5+ carry the music of composer/arranger/musician John T LaBarbera.

To date, the podcast is self-funded, hence any donations to help support it are most welcome.

You can use BuyMeACoffee.com/amIoldyet or Patreon.com/amIoldyet. And you are invited to rate and review it in your podcasting app, or on LovethePodcast.com/am-I-old-yet

As well as working as a professional actress, Flloyd has published three volumes of poetry (details below) and she also offers voice/speech/accent and acting coaching via her private studio Being in Voice.

Sunsets & Kites: scatterings of light and dark in poems, songs and essays

Home is Where I Hang My Pot: poems fierce and gentle from somewhere over the hill

It's Only a Matter of Time: even though time, as such, does not exist.

You can purchase signed copies of these volumes at www.flloydkennedy.com/

Her songs are available on Amazon Music, Apple Music, Spotify, and Bandcamp.