Shortlisted for an Independent Podcasting Award 2024
March 29, 2024

A Rescue and a Plan

A Rescue and a Plan

Episode 7 finds Helen enjoying the sunshine in the garden with her neighbour, 103 year old Nana Madeleine. Zeus and Hera have no idea that they've become famous again, René is working part time as a barista in between acting jobs, and Helen calls on Susie and Charlie to help her to put her plan into action, with Cyllene tagging along.

Do let me know if you prefer the longer episode! And do you enjoy my little meta digs?

Ira Seidenstein as Zeus
Wendy Lap as Hera
Christopher McDougall as Hermes, Rene and Charlie
Sarah Golding as Cyllene
Flloyd Kennedy as Helen, Nana Madeleine and Susie

Music: from John T Labarbera's album "In The Labyrinth"
SFX: 547735__fmaudio__pulling-out-wooden-chair-and-sitting-down^
Garden and cafe ambience, and footsteps recorded by Flloyd Kennedy

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  • @AmIOldYet2
  • The music featured in Seasons 6, 7, 8 and 9 is from "In The Labyrinth" by John T LaBarbera, available on Bandcamp.
  • Thanks for listening. Stay safe.



Thunder's mouth theatre presents: am i old yet? A slice of life audio fiction comedy with a touch of fantasy. We follow the day to day experiences of the  elderly Helen as she negotiates her crone years with the help of, and occasionally in spite of, her family, friends and random strangers - including, lately, a few Ancient Greek deities 

Episode 7 finds Helen in the garden with her neighbour, 103 year old Nana Madeleine. Zeus and Hera are still wondering about somewhere in south London, and Helen requires the presence of her granddaughter Susie and Susie's boyfriend Charlie, to settle a few matters.

Scene 1 - bird sounds

NANA:                                    Helen! So good to see you.  Are you coming to sit in the garden?

HELEN :                                I certainly am, Nana. Isn't it marvellous? Actual sunshine, at last.

NANA:                                    At last indeed.  Of course, I knew it was there, all the time, above the clouds, but when you can't see it, 

HELEN :                                And you can't feel it!

NANA:                                    Exactly. And I can't complain--

HELEN:                                  Oh I can. I quite enjoy having a moan about it every now and then.

NANA:                                    Oh yes of course, I do too, to be perfectly honest.. It's hard not too when it goes on for so long, like this year.

HELEN :                                Yes. And it doesn't mean we aren't aware that there are many people much worse off.

NANA:                                    Oh yes. You know, I am so worried about Mina - you know, the homeless lady who stays by the bus stop..

HELEN :                                Goodness. Is she still there?  I thought the Homeless Shelter people had a place for her.

NANA:                                    Oh, they do, but she just won't go in.  

HELEN:                                  Really?  That's a shame.  She must be very afraid.

NANA:                                    I do believe that is the problem. She has had very bad experiences in some places. They say they want to help, but they just take advantage of them.

HELEN:                                  Horrible situation.  

NANA:                                    Wouldn't it be nice if we had the kind of society that never leaves anyone without a safe place to sleep. 

HELEN :                                Wouldn't it just?

NANA:                                    I don't suppose your rooftop friends could step in?

HELEN:                                  My roof-top - oh, you mean...

NANA:                                    Yes.  Now don't be cross, Helen.  But Harry did catch the names that you called them,

HELEN:                                  Ah.  

NANA:                                    So it didn't take me long to figure it out. You don't have to tell me, of course - but couldn't they help?

HELEN:                                  Ah Nana.  Sadly, no.  It's just not something that comes within their own, special godlike powers.

NANA:                                    Well that's a shame. 

HELEN :                                Oh, I agree.  But then... maybe that would be too easy.

NANA:                                    How do you mean?

HELEN:                                  Well, it's not their problem.  It's ours.  So we really do have to sort it out ourselves. Somehow.

NANA:                                    Oh yes.  I see.  Oh well.

HELEN:                                  As you say.  Oh well ...


HERA:                                    Come along, Zeus.  

ZEUS:                                    Why? What's the hurry?  And if there is such a hurry, why can't we fly there?  Whoever 'there' is.  Where are we going anyway?

HERA:                                    We are going to find Hermes.  I don't trust him.

ZEUS:                                    Nobody trusts him any more. Silly boy.  But what makes you think he's still in London?

HERA:                                    Of course he is still in London. He is not going to stop helping Helen, just because you told him to.  And you just found out how much she cares about what we think!

ZEUS:                                    You are right about that.  No respect.

HERA:                                    Now don't start that again.  I've told you a hundred million times, you have to earn respect.  You cannot bully people into respecting you.

ZEUS:                                    Me??? Bully???????  I am not the bully. You are the bully. So bossy. I can hardly get a word in at all--

HERMES:                              Hello Papa.  Good morning, Step Mama.  How lovely to see you both.

HERA:                                    Hermes!  Well well well.  What a wonderful surprise!

HERMES:                              I know.  I thought you would enjoy it.

ZEUS:                                    What do you mean - enjoy it?  You nearly gave me a heart attack!  What are you doing here?  I told you to stop interfering--

HERMES:                              You did.  And I did. I am obeying you To. The. Letter.  Look!  No hands!!

ZEUS:                                    Oh... such a joker. 


HERA:                                    Here is a cafe.  Let us sit down, and drink coffee, calmly and quietly, and you can explain yourself.  In full!

HERMES:                              Of course.  Excuse me!

Rene:                                     Sir?

HERMES:                              3 double shot espressos please.  Ok if we sit here?

Rene:                                     Help yourself. 


ZEUS:                                    Come on, come on!  What are you doing here?

HERMES:                              I'm here to rescue you.  You are both in big, big trouble.

HERA:                                    Us?  Why? We haven't done anything!

ZEUS:                                    Your mother is right--

HERA:                                    Stepmother!

ZEUS:                                    And I told you to stay away from the mortals! So YOU are the one who is in big trouble

HERMES:                              But I'm not going anywhere near them. Nobody knows I am here, I promise you.

ZEUS:                                    Well... Your step mother is right. We have been very careful. Nobody knows we are even here. 

HERA:                                    They all think we are a "sweet old couple".  Isn't that clever of us?

HERMES:                              A sweet old couple, called Zeus and Hera?  And you didn't think anyone would make the connection?

ZEUS:                                    What?  What is wrong with our names?

HERMES:                              Absolutely nothing apart from the fact that they are unique, and SOME people only ever hear them in context of our history, our mythology, our immortal lives.

HERA:                                    And what is the matter with that?  It's just a few people we happen to pass in the street--

HERMES:                              And on the bus.

ZEUS:                                    So?  So what?  As you moth- your STEP-mother says, it is just a few peopl--

HERMES:                              Not any more,  Look at this.

ZEUS:                                    What is that?

HERA:                                    It's one of those phone things, that they use to talk to each other these days. 

HERMES:                              Just watch... 


JOSIE:                                   This is a most unusual event, I’m so pleased to be here with - er Miss? Or is it Mrs? Frogs-home?

DARLENE:                            Mrs, thank you very much. And it’s Frogshum.  And this is my husband, Eric. Mr Eric Frogshume.

JOSIE:                                   Thank you, Mrs Frogs-home. 

DARLENE:                            FROGSHUM. 

JOSIE:                                   Of course. Now, you were just sitting on the bus, and you realised that the man next to you, was the King of the Greek Gods, 

DARLENE:                            Zeus.  Yes, that was his name.  And his wife was there too, Hera.  She’s the Queen of the Gods, of course.

JOSIE:                                   Right. Hmmm. And er - they told this, did they?  They said, hey, we are Zeus and Hera, King and Queen of the Gods.  Did they say where they were going?  Why they were travelling by bus?

ERIC:                                     They spoke to each other. Very loud voices. We could hear them, speaking their names. Very unusual names, aren’t they?

JOSIE:                                   Yes. Very unusual.


ZEUS:                                    So what? 

HERA:                                    Who else can see this?

HERMES:                              Everyone. 

ZEUS:                                    Everyone?  Everyone in London?

HERMES:                              Everyone.  In the world!

HERA:                                    Oh dear...

ZEUS:                                    Oh dear...

HERMES:                              Yes.  Oh dear...

RENE:                                    Here's your coffees. Oh, was that the bit on the news about Zeus and Hera being on the bus>

HERMES:                              Thank you, young man. So you saw it too?

RENE:                                    Yeah, fascinating stuff. Oh, can I get you anything else? I'm here to serve you know! It'll be my pleasure.

HERMES:                              Thank you so much. Nice to meet you. 

RENE:                                    Oh yes... Yeah absolutely nice to get you to. 

HERMES:                              Do you believe me now? 

HERA:                                    So what happens now?

HERMES:                              You will come with me, I have arranged for you to stay in a very nice place. You must choose new names for yourself--

HERA:                                    Basil.  You can be Basil. 

ZEUS:                                    Why? What is with this Basil?

HERA:                                    It means King, my darling. It suits you.

ZEUS:                                    Oh.  Well.  Well that is very nice of you. And you must be--

HERA:                                    Alexandra.  I shall be Alexandra.

ZEUS:                                    Why?

HERMES:                              It doesn't matter why. Come on. The shelter is not too far from here, we can walk.

HERA:                                    Ah, shelter.  I like the sound of that.  These shoes!!!     



CHARLIE:                              Hello Mrs Docherty.

HELEN:                                  Oh, Charlie.  You're here already.  Lovely to see you.


CHARLIE:                              Yes, we got here a bit early. Hope you don't mind.

SUSIE:                                   [FROM THE KITCHEN]. Hi Gran. Be with you in a moment.

HELEN:                                  Oh. Don't be long, I want you to meet someone.

CHARLIE:                              Wow! Ahem!!! [COUGHING] Hello...

HELEN:                                  Sit down Charlie.  This is my friend, Cyllene.  She's here as an observer.

CHARLIE:                              Oh.  Oh good.

SUSIE:                                   What is it Gran?  Oh... Hello?

HELEN:                                  Susie, this is Cyllene, she is here as an observer.

CYLLENE:                             Lovely to meet you. 

HELEN:                                  Take a seat Cyllene.  Lunch will be here in a minute. No, actually, Susie, you sit down. Cyllene will explain it all to you.

SUSIE:                                   Explain what?

HELEN:                                  Just listen, darling. Everyone ok with pizza? I hope so, it's on it's way.

CHARLIE:                              Oh yes please. Lovely.

SUSIE:                                   Yes...

CYLLENE:                             What is pizza?

CHARLIE:                              Pardon?

SUSIE:                                   Haven't you had it before?

HELEN:                                  Cyllene is quite new to this part of the world. 

SUSIE:                                   Oh. Well, it's a sort of Italian invention

CHARLIE:                              With American inter-ventions

SUSIE:                                   Oh, very clever

CHARLIE:                              I thought so

SUSIE:                                   And now it's pretty much everywhere. It's like a pie, only with a thin bread base, instead of pastry

CHARLIE:                              with tomatoes and cheese and

SUSIE:                                   or olives, and anchovies

CHARLIE:                              or pepperoni or prawns sometimes or

SUSIE:                                   or pretty much anything you fancy on top.

CYLLENE:                             Oh.

HELEN:                                  Not for you?  I could do you a sandwich

CYLLENE:                             Oh not at all, I am so looking forward to this - pizza.

HELEN:                                  [WRYLY] Of course you are. 


And here it is! You get it, will you Charlie? All paid for.  I just need to get the plates. Over to you, Cyllene.

CYLLENE:                             Well.. I'm so pleased to meet you.  Ah.... How to explain...

SUSIE:                                   You're one of the Greeks, aren't you?

CHARLIE:                              Greeks?  Oh!!! Greeks.  Those Greeks.  Hermes, and, and...

CYLLENE:                             Yes. He is my half-brother. And I am here, as your grandmother explained, as an observer.  

SUSIE:                                   Observing what? What are we doing wrong?

CYLLENE:                             Oh, nothing.  No, no. Nothing is wrong.  It is just, my parents, you know. They were here. And they are concerned about your grandmother. And we - my siblings and I - want to keep her safe.

SUSIE:                                   Safe from who?


HELEN:                                  Whom, darling. Not from who. From whom.

SUSIE:                                   argh. 

HELEN:                                  Help yourselves, everybody.

SUSIE:                                   Right. Safe from whom?

CYLLENE:                             From my parents. 

SUSIE:                                   oh!  So they are up to something. I thought so.

CYLLENE:                             We don't think they want to hurt anyone.  But we are concerned, that they may try to interfere with your grandmother's plans.  So I am with her now, so that she can keep me informed, exactly what she is doing, and then, if necessary, I will check on them. 

CHARLIE:                              You will check on your parents?

CYLLENE:                             Yes. To make sure they do not misunderstand. Misinterpret.  I will decide when it is best to let them know. But I can only do that, if I know precisely what is happening, as regards your grandmother.  

SUSIE:                                   And she agreed to this?

HELEN:                                  "She" is the cat's mother Susie.  I am right here, you know. 

SUSIE:                                   Sorry

HELEN                                   And yes.  It was my idea. I don't want any more family upheavals. We must keep the peace. Mmm.  This is good. 

CHARLIE:                              It is rather. Thank you so much.  Mmmm. My favourite. 

SUSIE:                                   What?

CHARLIE:                              Pizza.  My favourite pizza.

SUSIE:                                   Oh. 

HELEN:                                  You didn't know that?  I knew that!

SUSIE:                                   Oh.

CHARLIE:                              So, what is the plan, Mrs Docherty?  Susie said it's something to do with planting trees to build houses for the homeless.

HELEN:                                  Yes, well, sort of. In a roundabout kind of way.  You know I've met up Dr Shrodinger's daughter and she gave me a whole bunch of names, contacts involved in various local councils around the country.

SUSIE:                                   Did you get in touch with any of them yet?

HELEN:                                  No...  No I didn't.  I'm just, I don't know, I just haven't thought of a good way to approach them. So I thought I'd run it by you two. Brainstorm it, so to speak.

CYLLENE:                             Brainstorm?  Is that safe?

HELEN:                                  Yes, Cyllene. Perfectly safe.  Just a metaphor, for thinking out loud, together, knocking ideas around.

CYLLENE:                             Oh, I like the sound of that.  You share your thoughts, in order to come to a consensus.

HELEN:                                  Oh! If only...  

CYLLENE:                             So I see what you mean.  But. May I ask a question?

HELEN:                                  Of course.

CYLLENE:                             These council people. This is something to do with government, yes?

HELEN:                                  Yes, local government. The ones who look after things that happen in their area, for people who live in the local community.  Traffic, policing, planning, 

CYLLENE:                             Planning? They plan people's lives?

CHARLIE:                              Oh no!  Planning is about local buildings. They decide whether someone can build a particular building in a particular place. They have the regulations, and they try to keep it all - well - balanced? 

CYLLENE:                             So you need permission to build?  And to plant things?

HELEN:                                  I'm pretty sure you can plant what you like in your own garden.

SUSIE:                                   Unless it's a banned invasive species. Like that Japanese whatnot? Thingy? That takes over?

CYLLENE:                             Ah. I understand. Right. But outside of your own garden?  You cannot just... plant... trees... anywhere else?

CHARLIE:                              Good question

HELEN:                                  I don't think you can.  Which is why the councils are responsible for any plantings of trees in their local area. 

SUSIE:                                   And Gran is trying to meet up with them, to see if they will  agree to plant more trees. Because we need them. Don't we?

HELEN:                                  We-ell. Yes, but only in the right places.  And the right kinds of trees. 

CYLLENE:                             And you need to speak to these planning people? The one's who choose what to plant?

HELEN:                                  Yes. And the people who decide whether they can afford to pay for the plants.

CYLLENE:                             Ah.  They also must have permission - yes? To use the money?

HELEN:                                  Yes.

CYLLENE:                             Right. So who gives the permission? Where does the money come from?

HELEN:                                  Well, they get most of it from Whitehall. Central government. 

SUSIE:                                   That's right, Gran.  Maybe you need to speak to someone there, first. Get the treasury department to make sure the money is available.

HELEN:                                  Ah.. no. That's not the problem. Well, it is part of the problem, but it's not the problem I have. 

SUSIE:                                   So what is it then?

HELEN:                                  I need to make sure that they will agree to listen to me in the first place.

CHARLIE:                              Who?

HELEN:                                  The local councillors. Just getting an introduction from Moira McGinty won't be enough. She's an academic, a researcher, she doesn't have any influence. Just the contacts. So... It might get me in the room, but it won't be enough to make them take me seriously. 

CHARLIE:                              Mary.

HELEN:                                  I'm sorry? 

CHARLIE:                              Mary. Mary Hatfield. Your friend Mary, the Environment Minister, didn't you save her life?  And she--

SUSIE:                                   Yes, and she set you up to meet those people who became the official government working party, you remember! For dealing with the waste disposal problems!

HELEN:                                  Oh, Mary! Yes. Yes of course! Charlie, you've done it again.  You are a wise man. 

SUSIE:                                   I knew that.

HELEN:                                  Yes you did, my darling Susie.  You know what?

SUSIE:                                   What?

HELEN:                                  You and Charlie make a good pair.  You should get together sometime!

CHARLIE:                              You think so?

SUSIE:                                   She's pulling our legs, my love.

CHARLIE:                              Ah.  [WHISPERS] Do you think we should tell her?

SUSIE:                                   mmmmmmmm [WHISPERS] maybe not now.

CHARLIE:                              [WHISPERS] Right. Of course. You're right of course. Not now.

HELEN:                                  Cyllene.

CYLLENE:                             Yes Helen.

HELEN:                                  Is there an infestation of hissing snakes in this room?

CYLLENE:                             [GIGGLES] It sounds like it, doesn't it?

HELEN:                                  Come on you two.  You cannot keep a secret, you know that.  What is going on?

SUSIE:                                   Oh, it's nothing to do with this, 

CHARLIE:                              This matter in hand.  We should stick to the subject.

HELEN:                                  Oh I think we've dealt with that subject.  I'm ready to move on to the next item on the agenda.

SUSIE:                                   Oops.

HELEN:                                  But first, I'm going to give Mary Hatfield a call, as you suggested, Charlie.    So just talk among yourselves for a few minutes. I won't be long.

Flloyd:                                    (sings) dan-de-dan-dan daaaan!  To be continued... 

                                                In this week's episode, you heard Wendy Lap as Hera, Ira Seidenstein as Zeus, Christopher McDougall as Hermes, René and Charlie, and Sarah Golding as Cyllene.  The rest of the characters, Nana, Helen and Susie, were played by me, Flloyd Kennedy.  

                                                Yes, I know, this episode is longer than usual. But I'm told most people enjoy their fiction     episodes in 25 minute bites, so I'm working towards it. Let me know what you think? Drop a comment on the website I'd love to know what you think. Seriously! Thanks for listening. Stay safe.


Christopher McDougall (René, Dr Calumn Shrodinger, Piotr, Charlie, Hermes) Profile Photo

Christopher McDougall (René, Dr Calumn Shrodinger, Piotr, Charlie, Hermes)

Christopher McDougall

Christopher graduated from East 15 Acting School in 2018 and has been working in
various sectors of the industry since. He has much previous experience as an actor, as
well as a singer, writer and musical director.
Recent acting credits include Widow Twankey in Aladdin (Beverley Artistes); The
Narrator in Bonny and Read (Novanda Productions, Brighton Fringe/UK Tour); Aladdin
in Aladdin, Dugdale Centre, Enfield; Davie McD/Sam/Tobias Grenfell in Tell Me A Story,
produced by Kibo Productions for Zoom; Squire Bogey (and others) in Jack and the
Beanstalk, with M&M Theatrical Productions; God in It’s Aboot Adam, at last year’s
Edinburgh Fringe; Various characters in The Sherlock Holmes Experience, at Madame
Tussaud’s, London; and Fairy G/Sugar Plum in Bad Cinderella, at the Cockpit Theatre, in
December 2018.
In April 2021, alongside fellow producer Mark Hunter, he co-wrote, co-directed and
was Musical Director on Robin Hood: A Virtual Pantomime, which took place on Zoom,
and was very well received – they currently looking to revive it this year.
Christopher has also written a new musical – Star Streaker: The Musical – which he
hopes to revive in the not so distant future.
Find out more about what Christopher is doing at

Ira Seidenstein, PhD (Mischa, Freddie the dog, Zeus) Profile Photo

Ira Seidenstein, PhD (Mischa, Freddie the dog, Zeus)


Ira Seidenstein has worked in over 140 live productions. After working in Cirque du Soleil's Corteo he created such projects as: The Madness of King Lear (Avignon, Edinburgh); The Book of Clown (Adelaide 2017), Commedia Toto (Italy); Cubist Clown Cavalcade (Paris): A Flower of the Lips (Sydney); and directed 18 actors in the uncut Antony & Cleopatra (Sydney). He has worked in 20 Shakespeare productions including 10 of the plays such as directing Henry the Fifth with 12 women; and, 10 adaptations including his comedy A Girl's Guide to Hamlet. In 2012/13 Ira was in Slava's Snowshow in Europe and Australia. As a veteran performer he trained 6 years in Suzuki Actor Training Method and worked in ten Suzuki style productions. He has portrayed over 75 clown characters including: Corteo's White Clown, and, Dead Clown; and playing "Harlequin" over an 8 years span. He trained as an Iyengar yoga teacher, was a tumbling and comic acrobat, mime, slapstick comedian, classical actor, director, playwright, and choreographed over 200 comic sketches and slapstick acts. His Masters Degree is in Visual and Performing Arts and his Doctorate is in Education. Recently he performed for the first time in a full scale ballet as a centraI character actor. Ira Seidenstein's workshops are practical and creative use of body-mind-spirit. The practical base is physical using "The Four Articulations for Performance" (see Method). He is the Founder of ISAAC - International School for Acting And Creativity and personally mentors clowns, teachers, choreogra…

Flloyd Kennedy Profile Photo

Flloyd Kennedy

Author, Actor

Flloyd Kennedy (aka Fairy Bessie), Australian-born actress, performance poet, singer-songwriter, director and voice/speech/accent coach, took part in the British folk revival in the late 60s, performed street theatre, cabaret and fringe theatre in Scotland throughout the 1980s and 90s, returned to Australia where she undertook research into the performing voice (specifically Shakespeare) for her doctorate. She has performed, directed, and taught voice and acting skills at colleges and universities in the UK, US and Australia. Now resident in Liverpool, UK, Flloyd tours her one-person versa plays with music around the world, performs her songs and poems at open mics in and around Liverpool. She also coaches student and professional actors, private individuals and community and corporate groups through her private studio Being in Voice. She is artistic director of Thunder’s Mouth Theatre (theatre of poetry, passion and philosophy), a Certified Teacher of Knight-Thompson Speechwork and is an Associate Artist with ISAAC (International School for Acting And Clown), She has now published two collections of poetry, songs and essays, Sunsets & Kites and Home is Where I Hang My Hat. Her songs are available on Bandcamp, as well as all major online streaming services.

John T LaBarbera Profile Photo

John T LaBarbera


John T. La Barbera, film score composer, producer, guitar and stringed instrument virtuoso and concert artist, has won several awards and commissions from The Jerome Foundation, Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, The Martin Gruss Foundation, the New York State Council on the Arts, Meet the Composer, UMass-Dartmouth, and ASCAP.

His film scores include: Children of Fate (Academy Award Nomination 1992); The Old Guitarist starring Dominic Chianese; The Bounty Hunter; Sacco and Vanzetti ; Sister Italy; Pane Amaro; What's up Scarlet; Neapolitan Heart ; Finding The Mother Lode: Italian Immigrants in California; La Festa and Tarantella .

His silent film scores include Assunta Spina, (1915, Naples), ‘A Santa Notte (1922, Naples), Chaplin’s The Immigrant (1917) and The Adventurer (1917), The Black Hand (1906), The Musketeers of Pig Alley (1912) and The Adventures of Lieutenant Petrosino, (1912), Regeneration (1915)

In Theater, his expertise as composer, arranger and musical director was valuable in the off-Broadway productions of Souls of Naples, (Theater for a New Audience) starring John Turturro and the stage adaptation of Sicilian playwright Luigi Pirandello's short stories in Kaos, (New York Theater Workshop) directed by Marta Clarke. Folk Opera, Stabat Mater-Donna di Paradiso, was commissioned and performed at The Cathedral of St. John the Divine.

He has appeared on recording and performance projects with many great artists including folk singer Judy Collins, actor Dominic Chianese (Uncle Junior- Sopranos), Hollywood film sou… Read More

Wendy Lap (Hera, Child 2, Moira McGinty, Sachelle) Profile Photo

Wendy Lap (Hera, Child 2, Moira McGinty, Sachelle)

Voice Actor and Writer

Wendy is a freelance voiceover artist, performer and writer from Edinburgh.
She has recorded voiceovers, audiobooks, audio dramas and video games that can be heard worldwide.
Wendy writes comedy dramas for stage and audio. She has also penned a self-published book of 'Scottish Sleep Stories'.